Exposure and Vulnerability Base Value for District

District Area Sqkm Road Length (Km) Railway Length (km) No of Household Population Thousand Number of Rural Market Forest Area (Sqkm) Potato Avg Production (Mton) Maize Avg Yield Jute Avg Yield Boro Avg Yield Aus Avg Yield Wheat Avg Yield Aman Avg yield Number of Cyclone Shelter Average Irrigation Agriculture Livelihood Per Thousand Population Number of Doctor Upper Poverty Line Lower Poverty Line Female Literacy Rate Embankment Length (km) Literacy Rate
Sunamganj 3690.86 1032.26 0.00 440332 2443 47 0.00 0.50 0.75 0.88 1.35 1.65 1.45 1.54 2 155763.00 53.39 85 26.00 20.60 33.12 0.00 34.98
Sylhet 3422.48 1077.29 0.00 596081 5316 50 44.08 22.54 11.77 6.39 7.45 3.97 4.70 3.94 1 55310.00 64.00 1070 24.10 19.50 48.87 0.00 51.18
Tangail 3363.64 1627.04 0.00 870 3750 52 472.09 236.55 118.77 60.89 70.70 27.92 36.16 25.71 1 184990.00 62.50 724 29.70 18.00 43.77 0.00 46.79
Thakurgaon 1813.89 479.16 0.00 320786 1380 17 86.88 44.94 23.97 13.48 15.23 7.14 8.98 7.35 0 122480.00 66.76 76 27.00 13.80 44.40 0.00 48.71
Barguna 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 3 3 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 3.00 3.00 3 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00

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